Technology Titans



Government agencies, whether local, state, tribal or federal, need to manage IT to serve clients, meet regulation standards and protect sensitive data. Sometimes this means doing so with limited resources. Coeus Consulting has a proven track record of managing, monitoring and customizing all the IT needs of government agencies. We work directly with your agency to create tailored services to meet your goals and optimize your technology budget. 

Explore our capabilities


Coeus has a deep understanding of the unique needs of legal firms and organizations. Whether it’s offering solutions for document management, litigation support, email capture or integrating specialized third-party applications to your network, Coeus has a team of technical experts with years of experience to customize your solutions.


Coeus offers an encompassing package of IT services for financial institutions that are designed to alleviate security risk, ensure compliance and maximize operating efficiencies. Meeting regulatory requirements for financial institutions is accomplished through our hosted, managed and cloud-based options. At Coeus we work directly with you to design a package to meet your unique needs.


Whether your non-profit needs help connecting with donors, increasing your gift revenue or simply keep all of your IT systems running, Coeus has a solution that gets the job done. With exchange hosting services, managed CRM and scalable IT services, Coeus can make sure your non-profit is running efficiently.


Coeus has a track record of meeting all the needs of dealerships. Whether you have one location or several branch locations, Coeus’s certified technicians and engineers can be your greatest resource. Ensuring that your staff and your clients have access at any given time. Whether we set up a new dealership location, move hardware for offsite sales, or manage your back up systems, Coeus gives you peace of mind.

Software Development

Coeus helps software companies meet all the challenging needs of keeping up with industry changes, state of the art technology and growing your business. We work directly with your organization to create tailored services to meet your goals and optimize business solutions.


Coeus offers technology solutions that help the retail industry. Coeus combines technology, domain expertise and helps you interact with consumers through all channels. From offering support for you mobile connections to helping you track customer spend patterns, Coeus leverages technology expertise to improve your ROI.